Vol.14 How to Release Past Life Karma

Hello, I’m Keiko Wahrheit.

Today I will teach you how to release your past life karma in one fell swoop. The first is to know your karma. The second is to reduce that karma through energy work and other means. Then you move to the place where the karma actually occurred and spend a few days there. Only then will the karma be completely released.
When karma is released, life becomes very light because you are no longer affected by that karma. The vices and relationships that have plagued you for a long time will also be dissolved, and your luck will improve.
Why is this? One of the reasons is that the meaning of our life is to dissolve the karma we have created in past lives. Most of the “things that go wrong” are caused by past life karma.
This karma is in the invisible realm. This realm has neither time nor space, so anyone can access it from “this very moment. If we use the correct methods to move the energy there, we can release it.
However, while this approach can reduce karma, it cannot completely erase it. In order to completely erase it, it is necessary to have a physical body in the place where it occurred. Karma can only be extinguished by having the same experience as the karma at the place where it occurred.
The same experience of karma means, for example, that if you generate the karma of hurting someone, someone will hurt you. If you spend someone else’s money, you may lose a lot of money, but you will have less trouble with money in the rest of your life.
So how do you know your karma? Actually, it is not that simple. In fact, not all of life’s problems come from past life karma. Influences from our ancestors or the spirit of someone else can also cause us to have bad luck.
First, we recommend hypnotherapy or hypnotherapy. By using these methods to access past lives, you can learn about your past life karma.
Then, through energy work, we will heal the experiences of this time. Then, we go on a journey to the place where the karma occurred. After returning from the trip, if you feel a change in your feelings, it is a sign that your past life karma has been resolved.




Vol.13 過去世カルマを解き放つ方法

では、どのように自分のカルマを知ればいいのでしようか。実際にそれは簡 ではありません。実は、人生のうまくいかなさはすべてが過去世カルマから来るものではないから。先祖からの影響や誰かの生霊めいた念によっても、運が落ちることは大いにあります。
そのうえで、このときの体験を癒すということをエネルギーワークを通じて行なっていきます。それから、そのカルマが起きた場所へ旅に行くこと。その旅から帰ってきた後、 気持ちの変化を感じれば、 過去世カルマが解消された合図です。

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