Vol.11 Recovery Methods to Try When You Feel Down

Hello everyone, this is Keiko Wahrheit. Today,
I will be talking about recovery methods for when you’re feeling down.

First, I will share three important things with you.

The first important thing is that you don’t need to think about why you are feeling down. There is no actual reason; it is simply that your energy is tainted. We usually try to find external reasons for our sadness, such as “I’m down because something happened,” but it’s actually the opposite. When our energy state significantly drops, various negative emotions like irritation, fear, and sadness surface from within. As a result, we try to find external reasons, thinking, “It’s because that person said something,” or “It’s because my mother disciplined me this way.” Stop thinking about it altogether. It leads to a vicious cycle.
The second important thing is to let go of your rigid mindset. Don’t think things like “I shouldn’t feel down” or “I’m a terrible person for continuing to dislike someone.” You can’t suppress your emotions. The more you try to control them, the stronger they become. It’s better to observe these emotions objectively.
The third important thing is not to set rules for yourself.
Some people might have recovery methods like “Eat something delicious when you’re down” or “Go shopping to lift your mood.” However, this can be very dangerous. This is because if your energy state has worsened and caused your mood to drop, no matter how much delicious food you eat or how much you splurge on something you wanted, it often won’t lift your spirits. Even if your mood improves temporarily, you might soon feel down again and get caught in a spiral of regret, thinking, “I spent all that money.”

When you’re feeling down, here are three things you should do:
First, meditation. When you meditate, you can understand your true feelings. Then, you can release the negative emotions from within.
Second, purification. Take a bath with salt and sake, or read your favorite book while you sweat it out. This will help you feel refreshed, as the negative energy is released.
Third, deep breathing. Simply repeating deep breaths can help release negative energy.

Please give it a try.




Vol.11 気分が落ち込んだ時に試したいリカバリー法




でも実は、これは非常に危険なのです。なぜなら、エネルギー状態が悪化したせいで気分が落ち込んでいるわけですから、いくら美味しいご飯を食べても、欲しかったものを奮発して買っても、気分が晴れないことは多いもの。その間た け気分が上がってもまた落ち込み、「お金を遣ってしまった」など後悔の渦にも巻きこまれやすいです。






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