vol.5 Improve the appearance of your business card to enhance your career luck.

Hello everyone, I am Keiko wahrheit, your spiritual mentor.
Today, I will share some simple techniques to avoid diminishing your luck.

This is about the business cards you use at work.
By making a few small improvements to your business cards, you can enhance your career luck. The technique involves improving the “appearance” of your business card. In fact, business cards also have an “appearance” similar to concepts like “palmistry” or “feng shui,” which represent the fate and fortune of an object based on its form and arrangement. Everything in this world has an appearance.
Therefore, it’s beneficial to make sure your business card has a good appearance.

If you work as a sole proprietor or entrepreneur, your name should be placed right in the center of the business card. The center represents the owner’s position and is a place where being “self-centered” becomes easier. By placing your name here, you become less likely to be swayed by others.
On the other hand, if you want to highlight the names of your desired employees or subcontractors, align their names to the left when viewed from the front. This position represents the “worker’s” place. By placing their names here, they are more likely to work well for you. Be cautious not to align your own name to the left, as you might end up doing all the work yourself.
If you align an employee’s name to the right, they may become lazy and only interested in enjoying themselves, so be careful with this too.
Additionally, make sure your name is neither too large nor too small, but balanced in size. If it’s too large, it may seem too prominent, while if it’s too small, it may not stand out. If you, as the president, place a large name right in the center, only the president will stand out and might be easily targeted. Conversely, if it’s too small, your presence might not be felt.
To make your company shine, place your logo or mark slightly above the center of the business card. This area symbolizes the place where you can gain status and honor. By placing a beautifully balanced logo here, the status and prestige of your company are more likely to increase. If you’re looking to boost your career luck even just a bit, give these techniques a try.




Vol.5 名刺の相良くすること仕事運をアップ


みなさま こんにちは。スピリチュアルメンターのけいこヴァールハイトです。

ビジネスカードにちょっとした工夫を加えることで、 仕事運が上がる。 そのようなテクニックです。

相とは、「手相」や「家相」などで知られる、そのものの命運を表す形や配置のことです。 この世のあらゆるものには相があります。ですから名刺の相を良いものにしておくといいのです。 

また、名前はあまり大きすぎず小さすぎず、バランスのいい大きさで配置をすること。大きすぎると出しゃばりやすくなり、小さすぎると目立ちにくくなります。 あなたが>社長だからとドーンと大きな名前を中央に配置>すると>、社長だけが目立って矢面に立たされやすくなります。小さいと存在感がなくなります。






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